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Papers in preparation/submitted for review

Belinić Topić, T., Kolínský, P., Stipčević, J. (2025): Lithospheric structure of the Dinarides-Adriatic region from ambient noise eikonal tomography, submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, in review.

Kolínský, P., Stampa, J., Vecsey, J., Eckel, F.,  Belinić Topić, T., Meier, T. and the AdriaArray Seismology Group (2025): Methods for data and metadata quality tests of large dense seismic networks – focus on AdriaArray, Annals of Geophysics, in review.

Sečanj, M., Tomljenović, B., Herak, M., Dasović, I., Latečki, H., Stipčević, J. (2025): Pliocene-Quaternary activity of the Dalmatian unit basal thrust – a potential seismogenic source in the Dubrovnik epicentral area (Croatia). Journal of Structural Geology, in review.


Published papers

Herak, M., Herak, D. (2024): A Comparative Study of Building Damage in Ston, Croatia, Caused by the Earthquakes of 1850 and 1996, Seismological Research Letters, 95 (5), 3070–3081,

Faivre, S., Lončar, N., Tomljenović, B., Sečanj, M., Herak, M., Barešić, J. (2024): Impact of coseismic uplifting on relative sea level change in the Southern Adriatic during the past 4.500 years – New evidence from Dubrovnik epicentral area based on analysis of algal rims and tidal notches, Geomorphology.

Dasović, I., Herak, M., Herak, D., Latečki, H., Sečanj, M., Tomljenović, B., Cvijić-Amulić, S., Stipčević, J. (2024): The Berkovići (BIH) ML = 6.0 earthquake sequence of 22 April 2022 – seismological and seismotectonic analyses, Tectonophysics.

Zailac, K., Matoš, B., Vlahović, I., Stipčević, J. (2023): Referent seismic crustal model of the Dinarides, Solid Earth, 14, 1197–1220,

Herak, D., Herak, M., Vrkić, I. (2023): The Earthquake of 13 April 1850 near Ston, Croatia: Macroseismic Analyses, Seismological Research Letters, 95 (2A), 1043–1056,

Faivre, S., Bakran-Petricioli, T., Kaniewski, D., Marriner, N., Tomljenović, B., Sečanj, M., Horvatić, D., Barešić, J., Morhange, C., Drysdale, R.N. (2023): Driving processes of relative sea-level change in the Adriatic during the past two millennia: From local tectonic movements in the Dubrovnik archipelago (Jakljan and Šipan islands) to global mean sea level contributions (Central Mediterranean), Global and Planetary Change, 227, 104158.

Faivre, S., Bakran-Petricioli, T., Herak, M., Barešić, J., Borković, D. (2021): Late Holocene interplay between coseismic uplift events and interseismic subsidence at Koločep island and Grebeni islets in the Dubrovnik archipelago (southern Adriatic, Croatia), Quaternary Science Reviews, 274, 107284.

Herak, M., Herak, D., Orlić, N. (2021): Properties of the Zagreb 22 March 2020 earthquake sequence - analyses of the full year of aftershock recording, Geofizika, 38. link

Latečki, H., Molinari, I., Stipčević, J. (2021): 3D physics-based seismic shaking scenarios for city of Zagreb, Capital of Croatia, Bull. Earthquake Eng.


Abstracts and presentations at conferences

Dasović, I.,  Herak, M., Herak, D.,Latečki, H., Sečanj, M., Tomljenović, B., Cvijić-Amulić, S., Stipčević, J. (2024): The Berkovići (BA) 22 April 2022 earthquake sequence – seismological and seismotectonic analysis, 39th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission 2024, Corfu, Greece, 22–27 September 2024, Book of abstracts, p.854, ESC2024-S49-869. PDF-poster PDF-abstract

Stipčević, J., Belinić Topić, T., Rondenay, S., Kolínský, P. (2024): Crustal structure of the Dinarides: new insights from the receiver functions and ambient noise tomography, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19538,

Dasović, I.,  Herak, M., Herak, D.,Latečki, H., Sečanj, M., Tomljenović, B., Cvijić-Amulić, S., Stipčević, J. (2024): The Berkovići (BA) 22 April 2022 earthquake sequence – seismological and seismotectonic analysis, AdriaArray Workshop Sofia 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria. PDF-poster 

Dasović, I., Herak, D., Herak, M., Latečki, H., Sečanj, M., Tomljenović, B., Cvijić-Amulić, S., Mustać Brčić, M., Belinić Topić, T., Stipčević, J. (2023): The Berkovići (BA) 22 April 2022 earthquake sequence – seismological and seismotectonic analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13405, PDF

Latečki, H., Molinari, I., Stipčević, J. (2023): Ground motion simulation of the 2021 Mw 5.2 Central Adriatic earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5365,

Cvijić Amulić, S., Popović Krejić, Lj. (2023): National seismological network in Republic of Srpska/B&H, AdriaArray workshop 2023, Dubrovnik, 2 - 5 April 2023. PDF

Herak, M., Herak, D., Latečki, H., Belinić Topić, T., Cvijić Amulić, S., Dasović, I., Mustać Brčić, M., Sečanj, M., Tomljenović, B., Stipčević, J. (2023): The Berkovići earthquake series (BIH) - preliminary results of seismological research, AdriaArray workshop 2023, Dubrovnik, 2 - 5 April 2023. PDF

Kalmár, D., Petrescu, L., Hetényi, G., Stipčević, J., Balázs, A., Bondár, I., Kovács, I.J., the AlpArray and PACASE Working Groups (2023): Receiver function analysis in the circum-Pannonian region: results and plans, AdriaArray workshop 2023, Dubrovnik, 2 - 5 April 2023. PDF

Rajh, G., Stipčević, J., Gosar, A. (2023): Investigations of the Earth’s crust structure in the NW Dinarides using local earthquake tomography method, AdriaArray workshop 2023, Dubrovnik, 2 - 5 April 2023. PDF

Stipčević, J. (2023): Introduction - Experiences from receiver function processing in AlpArray, AdriaArray workshop 2023, Dubrovnik, 2 - 5 April 2023. PDF

Šindija, D., Mustać Brčić, M., Stipčević, J. (2023): Detection and location of local seismicity in Croatia using machine learning algorithm, AdriaArray workshop 2023, Dubrovnik, 2 - 5 April 2023. PDF

Herak, M., Herak, D., Stipčević, J. Dasović, I. (2022): In search of activated faults in the Petrinja (Croatia) earthquake sequence of 2020, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3rd EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & SEISMOLOGY September 4-9, 2022, Bucharest/Arion, Cristian; Scupin, Alexandra; Ţigănescu, Alexandru - Bucharest: CONSPRESS, 4654-4658.

Kalmár, D., Balázs, A., Süle, B., Neagoe, C., Bondár, I., Stipčević, J., Živčić, M., Petrescu, L. (2022): S receiver function analysis in the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian region: Preliminary results, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3rd EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & SEISMOLOGY September 4-9, 2022, Bucharest/Arion, Cristian; Scupin, Alexandra; Ţigănescu, Alexandru - Bucharest: CONSPRESS, 3587-3596.

Herak, M., Herak, D. (2022): O seizmologiji i potresima u Dubrovniku (i okolici!), Znanstveno-stručni skup Seizmička i klimatska ugroženost dubrovačkog područja, Dubrovnik, 3–4 May 2022. PDF

Herak, M., Herak, D., Stipčević, J., Dasović, I. (2022): In search of activated faults in the Petrinja (Croatia) earthquake sequence of 2020–2021, Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, 4–9 September 2022, Bucharest, Romania, Eds. Arion, C., Scupin, A., Ţigănescu, A., 4654–4658. PDF

Latečki, H. (2022): Potresi i Dubrovnik, Znanstveno-stručni skup Seizmička i klimatska ugroženost dubrovačkog područja, Dubrovnik, 3–4 May 2022. PDF

Latečki, H., Sečanj, M., Dasović, I., Stipčević, J. (2022): Seismic shaking scenarios for city of Dubrovnik, Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-8291,

Sečanj, M., Tomljenović, B., Stipčević, J., Latečki, H., Dasović, I. (2022): Identification and 3D modeling of active faults in the Dubrovnik (Croatia) offshore area – preliminary results, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-11083,

Stipčević, J. (2022): Novi rezultati seizmoloških istraživanja u dubrovačkom području, Znanstveno-stručni skup Seizmička i klimatska ugroženost dubrovačkog područja, Dubrovnik, 3–4 May 2022. PDF


Other publications

Dasović, I., Herak, D., Herak, M., Latečki, H. (2022): Potres kod Berkovića (BiH) 22. travnja 2022. godine (in Croatian), Vijesti Hrvatskog geološkog društva 59/1, 33–34.

Dasović, I., Stipčević, J., Latečki, H. (2021): Istraživački projekt Hrvatske zaklade za znanost IP-2020-02-3960: Karakterizacija i monitoring rasjednog sustava šireg dubrovačkog područja – DuFAULT, voditelj projekta Josip Stipčević (in Croatian), Vijesti Hrvatskog geološkog društva, 58/1, 42–44.

Dasović, I., Herak, D., Herak, M., Stipčević, J. (2021): Niz potresa na Baniji (in Croatian), Vijesti Hrvatskog geološkog društva, 57/2, 4–7.

Dasović, I., Herak, D., Herak, M., Latečki, H., Mustać, M., Tomljenović, B. (2020): O potresima u Hrvatskoj (in Croatian), Vijesti Hrvatskog geološkog društva, 57/1, 4–27.